Friday, March 25, 2011


this is a very urgent matter, and I will be asking for actual replies, for I need your input, America!

                                                                  Which is cuter?

   I know, right??! Cutest things your eyes have seen in a while! (You're welcome, world)
Now, when we go to church Easter Sunday and all those sweet baby girls are done up in their adorable Easter dresses, Noah will be all, "nuh-uh, ya'll aren't the only ones who can get super cute!" and bust out in one of these! Admittedly, it will more than likely be the khaki suit, since that seems more spring/Easter appropriate. But I just couldn't pass up the tuxedo. I mean, come on, a three piece tuxedo for a baby!! I wanna shake the hand of the person who stitched that idea together. (There was even a tux in size 3 months! It was TINY!)
   So please, friends, tell me; which one is cuter?
      Also, enjoy your Friday.


  1. I'd go with the suit. But definitely try it on him before Easter Sunday morning.

  2. I like the first one.....and for fun, so you could at least use the tux...I could buy Lauren a little white dress...could make some good pics! :)
