Friday, June 24, 2011

Operation: TASNYSB

Friends, operation Take A Stinking Nap You Stubborn Baby, or tasnysb, is still going strong. Today, I was planning on dropping Noah's morning nap entirely and scooting his afternoon nap up to see if he would do well with only one nap. (He's been doing just fine with just his morning nap, truth be told, but Mommy wants him to drop his morning nap, not his afternoon nap!)
   Anyways, that plan fell through when Noah got super fussy at about 10:45. So, I figure I'll just put him down for a short morning nap and then try an afternoon nap. I've tried this before, but I've only shortened his morning nap by 30 minutes. This time, it's an hour. Prayerfully, hopefully, (please, God, please!) Noah will succumb to mommy's wishes and take a stinking nap! Noah is still, I have less than an hour to cram in my own morning nap. Wish me luck, friends!

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