Thursday, May 31, 2012

How Deep the Father's Love for Us

I read an article, more of a blog post, recently about one woman's opinion on a book that has become very popular lately. I myself haven't read it, but I have heard of it. Her words were kind but certain as she explained why she was not going to read it and why those professing to be Christians should avoid it as well. Several times she referenced the Bible and the words she typed that weren't direct quotes lined up perfectly with the message of the Scriptures. After reading her blog post, I was sure that I had no need or desire to read the offensive book she warned against. Then I read the replies to her blog. At first, it was post after post of  thankfulness for truth spoken in love. Women praised her for shedding light on a subject that was often a "live and let live" type of scenario. I agreed with these women.
  Then I started reading responses that confused and saddened me. Women who were professing to be Christians were defending the book. They rationalized this aspect and reason with that aspect until, in their opinion, the book wasn't bad at all. Several of these women referenced the verse in which Jesus commands us Christians to "judge not, lest ye be judged" (Matt 7:1). On a side note, it often seems to me that many people who use that verse to defend sinful actions don't know the true meaning of Jesus' statement. He's not saying never judge anybody, because if you read the rest of Matthew He does indeed tell his disciples to hold each other accountable and  confront them on account of their sin in order to restore them (Matt 18:15-17).
   It made me sad because these women who were claiming with their written words to love God and have a real, meaningful relationship with Him were choosing to believe their own spin on what they think Jesus wants from them over what Jesus actually says He wants from the in the Bible. This kind of rationalization is so very prevalent in our modern age of feel-good, tolerant Christianity. It's no where near new thinking, however. I am referring to the conversation between Eve and the serpent in the garden of Eden:
        "He said to the woman, 'Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?'" You can find that whole conversation and how it panned out for all of mankind in Genesis 3.
   The purpose of my blog about another blog is, ironically, not to judge those women's thinking. In truth, my response to reading such inaccuracies was to pray for them. I only wanted to add my two cents to the pile and, hopefully, encourage any of my 17 or so readers to check your sources before accepting something as truth. (By sources, I mean the Bible). And to any of you who do not accept the Bible to be the inherent and perfect Word of God, well, that's a topic for another discussion that I would love to have at a later date. For now, I have to go shower. I'm pretty sure I haven't showered in three days.  

1 comment:

  1. I've always found that particular excuse, or spin as you call it, rather ironic.
    Only a few verses later, Jesus tells his disciples to be "wise as serpents, gentle as doves." I'm pretty sure that means that while we shouldn't take on God's role of Judge, we should definitely be discerning.
    You are right, it is very sad :(
