Wednesday, April 11, 2012

family life is great for livin'

Praise God, praise God, praise God! He is so good. Even when life seems miserable, unbearable, disappointing, or simply not going the way I want it to go, the Lord is good to me. If I had nothing in this world but Him and His redeeming love, that would be sufficient for me. But praise God, He has given me far more than I deserve.
 for example:
 Ain't that precious?

This past Sunday was Easter Sunday, and we celebrated Jesus' resurrection with hymn-singing and right teaching of the Word. It was good. Afterwards, Noah got to egg hunt all by his lonesome at my parents' house, as neither of my siblings has chil'uns yet. After that, Stephan was merciful to me, a sleepy mommy, and watched Noah, who must of been hopped up on Easter excitement as he refused to take a nap, so that I might nap. (I slept for three hours.)

Monday, I ran. Tuesday, I hurt.

Now's Wednesday again, and again I ran. Please, don't' give me props just yet. I forced myself to do it. Twisted my own arm, if you will. It didn't help that I have a borrowed copy of Mockingjay at my house waiting for me to finish it. But I ran, nonetheless. Meanwhile, Stephan is fixing our broken kitchen floors. Seriously, how does he know how to fix EVERYTHING? I will be posting before, during, and after pictures once the cement he's currently laying sets and the flooring is reinstalled.   

 In Witten news, I feel myself once again urging my baby to grow up faster. It's subconscious, almost, the way I do it. I read the books and the articles that tell me what my three-month-old should or could be doing, and then I see friends' infants who are a little bit more developed than Little Bit, and I start to urge more forward motion out of my baby. I have to stop often and remember that no two babies are alike and than my babies in particular seem to be somewhat late bloomers. Noah didn't roll over for 6 month for Pete's sake! And then I see a newborn and compare it to my three month old and think, "Holy cow! He's growing too fast!" It's tough on your psychological health and emotional well being to be a mom. And yet, per usual, it is so worth it. To hear Witten coo and gurgle with his little new voice and to see him smile big, toothless smiles makes any trial or pain or test worth it. It especially helps that I have a really big God as my aid.

  Now, to finish Mockingjay! (The babies are sleeping. Yay!)

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