Saturday, March 31, 2012

I remember now why we liked sprinklers so much.

Noah and I got to "help" daddy do yard work today.
By "help", I mean we mostly got in his way. Noah did help shovel dirt and stomp down grass and carry small rocks to the rock pile. Then things got really exciting when first Lydia, then Grayson came over! Sweet Lydia watched in amusement as Grayson and Noah tore it up in the back yard. Stephan was watering his freshly laid grass, resulting in two very wet boys. Add freshly-cut grass trimmings and you've got yourselves some super grassy wet boys. When it was time to go in, clean Lydia went in to wash her hands while humorously filthy Noah and Grayson were stripped and hauled straight to the tub to get hosed off. I would include the cute pictures that were taken of tub-time, but I don't want to get in trouble with any teenagers in the future.
   Witten, who has been having super screwy naps lately, is sleepy soundly. That makes me happy. But now, I have to go. I've got laziness to achieve. Thank You, gracious God, for lazy Saturdays!

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