Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I promised I might, therefore, I must.
    Here, friends, is the best of a horrible collection of portraits:
 No, I don't weigh 200 lbs. Yes, I was wearing makeup. (I don't know what happened to the color on my face) How is Stephan still amazingly handsome?? 
     Needless to say, this will most certainly not be our Christmas card picture this year.

  Speaking of Christmas...
Here is Noah, Wyatt, Lucy and Lydia gathered 'round the tree. Lucy was saying "I like this" and "Christmas tree"! Noah didn't want to get out of Sheryl's lap. Wyatt and Lydia liked poking the glass ornaments. They're so cute! 
     I've got laundry to fold and sort and put away. peace!

1 comment:

  1. Ok. That is not the best picture I have seen of you, BUT it is not as bad as I thought from your description. :) In fact, (and you will love this) really the only thing that is making you look bigger is those BOOBS! Woah! And your hair looks amazing as usual. :)
